Skinny Funfetti Cupcakes Recipe (2024)

  • Britney Jean says:

    YUM! I love funfetti cupcakes! I"ll have to try these out!

  • Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel says:

    Guilt free cupcakes? Yes please! Love me some Funfetti :)

  • Jenn says:

    This is JUST what I need!!! Can other cake mix flavors be used or is it just do-able with the funfetti? THANK YOU! :)

  • Tracy says:

    To the poster above, these cupcakes are a staple with Weight Watchers followers (myself included) and I"ve made them with Diet co*ke + Chocolate cake, Diet Orange + Vanilla cake, Diet Sprite + Lemon cake, Diet Cherry co*ke + Devil's Food cake, etc. You can be as creative as you want!

    They all turn out great, IMO!

    Mine are never this pretty, though!! The photo is awesome. You can almost taste the cupcake just by looking. :)

  • meg says:

    Wow this looks amazing! I cannot wait to try it!!

    Thanks for sharing :)

    meg @

  • ablackwell221 says:

    Would this recipe be ok to bake as a sheet cake?? OMG these look so delicious!!! :D

  • Heidi Fowler says:

    Are you kidding me? Just sugar free soda and cake mix? No way! CAn't wait to try these!

  • Shanna says:

    Thank you for this recipe! In the past 2.5 years I have lost 50 pounds and have kept it off with watching what I eat and exercising. Often this means no fun desserts. I cannot wait to try this! :)

  • Catherine says:

    Anybody have nutrition info on these cupcakes?

  • Melissa Lavallee says:

    Nutritional information? I'm diabetic, but I'd love to know the amount of sugar and carbs that are in these.. that way I can indulge without spiking!

  • Christina says:

    guilt free?

  • Christina says:

    It is full of terrible ingredients. To think you are being healthy just because you skimmed off some calories is dangerous. The funfetti cake mix alone is full of hydrogenated oils. Also, here is a link for the controversial ingredients in "cool whip" (which by the way, Cool Whip brand is not even a dairy product and does not even contain cream!It is made up mostly of high fructose corn syrup and water) If people would go back to eating REAL food, we'd see a decrease in chronic illnesses.

  • Christina says:

    don't kid yourself...

  • Miss Ralphie says:

    I'm really glad you gave a link to the nutrition information on this stuff but you don't have to be so mean about everything. This woman was just trying to share a yummy recipe that's a little "lighter" in the calorie department. You don't have to be so harsh. It's just FOOD.

  • S says:

    Bravo Christina! Real Food!

  • Catherine Haddow says:

    Your site is flawed.... it gives Watermelon (1 slice) an A and Watermelon (1 oz) a B+ and then it gives Watermelon Syrup at Sonic a B-. I don't see why you have to be rude on this post. The poster was meaning "guilt free" as in low calorie. The old adage says "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." If you are on a site that has uses "unclean" products then I suggest you direct yourself to a site more appropriate for your views. Try Tosca Reno's clean eating... just sayin.

  • Catherine Haddow says:

    Just made these and they are cooling. Mine only made 16 cupcakes even though I measured out 1/4 cup each time. I'm thinking more like 1/8th of a cup is more realistic to make 24 cupcakes and then topping off with what's left (if any).

  • Susie B says:

    how many points? Thanks!

  • Mackenzie Leigh says:

    Anyone know how many PPV this is for weight watchers?

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Jenn!

    You can use any other cake mix flavors! If you are making cupcakes with a dark cake mix, use a dark diet soda such as Diet co*ke. If you are making light cake mix, use a light colored diet soda. Hope that helps! I have tried Devil's Food Cake mix with Diet co*ke and it was so good!

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Susie!

    The place I found the recipe stated that each cupcake was 1.5 Weight Watchers Point. I hope that helps! She didn't have any other information and I'm not familiar with Weight Watchers.

    Have a great day,
    Elyse (one of the sisters)

  • Six Sisters says:

    I think that would be amazing! Just change the baking time from cupcakes to the time needed to bake a cake as directed on the box. Let us know how it goes!

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Mackenzie!

    I just emailed you, but just in case I thought I would write you here too. There are 1.5 WW points per cupcake. Thanks!

  • Delia says:

    Christina, I think something you need to remember is that people are here looking at this recipe because they have made a concious effort to get healthier. For most people, this begins by trying to reduce calories in their favorite food choices (like cake). From there, they may realize that they can get all-around healthier food at home without using the chemically enhanced stuff most of us are used to. However, this is usually a gradual change. It takes a huge shift in paradigm just to start looking for healthier food choices instead of running through the drive through for dinner. Then, switching to making food at home with a little help (like boxed cake mix) may eventually switch into making food completely from scratch and avoiding the "questionable" ingredients.
    If you want people to see your point, try being supportive of the change they are trying to make in their life and offering an alternative. Do you have another recipe that is similar to funfetti cake that is low in calories and made of only "real" food? Instead of just lecturing them on how what they are doing is bad, try to show them a better path. However, being condecending and rude is NOT the way to get people to eat healthier. As you can see from the above replies, your criticisms were not taken warmly by the people you were trying to "warn" with your comment.
    Just food for thought...

  • mlibersat says:

    Whenever I make cupcakes (and I make them A LOT), I just use an ice cream scoop to portion out the batter. It's usually the perfect amount. Best wishes!

  • mlibersat says:

    Whenever I make cupcakes (and I make them A LOT), I just use an ice cream scoop to portion out the batter. It's usually the perfect amount. Best wishes!

  • Averie @ Averie Cooks says:

    gorgeous! saw them floating around pinterest and I want to start baking!

  • Amanda says:

    Does diet sprite work the same as sprite zero? I couldn't find any in the store.

  • ChristenGeron says:

    I made these today after being reeled in from the gorgeous pinterest picture. I've never had anything like them before (or any WW dessert), so I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't care for the consistency, it was a little strange. The cake part sort of just collapsed when I bit into it. It wasn't very cakey. The frosting was great, but required about 1 cup of milk to make it work. I enjoyed trying something new and different, so thanks for the post. At least now I can add a new frosting recipe to my repertoire.

  • meganm365 says:

    How did you get the frosting so white? When I mixed the Cool Whip and pudding mix it turned a light yellow (I don't know why this surprised me, I know very well what vanilla pudding looks like), which made it hard to dye blue. Also a warning: as delicious as it is, it is pretty thick which made it hard to pipe so it doesn't make a great decorative frosting.

  • Heather says:

    My frosting came out yellow and even though the tester came out okay I should have cooked my cup cakes a little longer. They were a little gummy. They were still good though!!!!

  • Sarah Joseph says:

    I made them- they were good (slightly gummy in the middle too, I would have given them another 2-3 minutes but my hubs took them out and didn't have the slightest idea how to check if they were cooked). BUT my question was when to frost them. Since its whip cream you have to refrigerate it don't you? So do you just gobble them all up in a day or do you put them in the fridge or just frost them as you need them? I Ended up mixing the frosting, frosting a few for that day then putting the rest of the frosting in the fridge for later. Only problem was that it started to set b/c of the pudding (didn't think that through all the way). Any suggestions if you family isn't going to eat them all in a day?

  • [emailprotected] says:

    Hi there! I attempted these last night and for some reason, the bottom halves just did NOT cook completely. I followed all the instructions exactly (including putting in exactly 1/4 a cup of batter, which I think might've been too much) and even cooked them about 25-28 minutes, but the bottoms still came out with a super-gummy texture.
    Has anyone else had this problem? I'm chalking it up to the fact that I'm in high altitude, but I'd love to know if anyone else experienced the same thing; tops cooked, bottoms gummy and yuck.

  • Kjade87 says:

    Love these! However the frosting was very thick and clumped up. I added 1/3 cup of 1% milk which thinned it a little. Probably could have added more but didn't want to tamper with the recipe too much for my first time.

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Sarah!

    We kept all of our leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge and they kept just fine! Thanks!

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Amanda!

    That will work just fine!

  • Six Sisters says:

    Sorry you had trouble! Mine came out a little off white and didn't have much trouble spreading.

  • Six Sisters says:


    You could check out this website for nutritional information for any recipe:


  • Princess Lisa says:

    I LOVE these! They are so easy to make and taste delicious. I've been buying all kinds of mixes and making them with the sprite zero. So easy! I have a quick question... should these be kept in the refrigerator because of the Cool Whip Frosting or does the pudding mix do something to the Cool Whip to make it ok at room temperature??? I think they taste better at room temperature, but I've been too afraid to leave them out. Thanks!!!

  • Krista says:

    Thank you so much for this post!! First time making these and I am so excited! My BF and I are on (Struggling to be on lol) the WW diet and snacks are our biggest problem.. we always seem to be hungry in between meals and craving goodies like these! I'm a big baker and these are perfect. Super easy and only 1.5 points? I'm all in. I just made my first batch and I'm in love!! Can't wait for him to get home and try them tonight-thanks for sharing!

  • KandS says:

    I would like to say that I am a personal trainer, exercise therapist, and nutritionist and if you want to lose weight and be healthy then this will not really help with your goals. Less calories doesn't mean healthier. Try sticking with real food and just limiting your portions. Processed ingredients wreak so much havoc on your body. It doesn't recognize what you're putting in it and will cause more health problems than making food from scratch with more calories. The diet industry has really confused a majority of people! Just FYI :)

  • ashley1323 says:

    I just wanted to let you know-I am following weight watchers right now and I plugged the recipe into the recipe builder and I get that these are 2 points for one cupcake. I ate 3 and it told me that was 7 points. So they must be a smidge over 2 points apiece. Not sure where the 1.5 came from...Weight watchers also doesn't do 1/2 points. They either round up or round down. But I was very excited to find this recipe regardless-thanks for sharing!

  • Elizabeth Lou and Company says:

    I LOVE funfetti- I am so excited to try these, thanks!

  • Six Sisters says:


    I don't know if you should put the in the fridge or not, but we always to just to be safe! Sorry I'm not more help!

  • mp says:

    I thought that too, but then I remembered the old WW points system used half points. The original source for this recipe just must have been a few years old.

  • emhk-Moline says:


    Do you know if these were calculated with the old Weight Watchers Points or the new Points Plus?

  • Lulu!! says:

    Made these today and they are delicious !!

  • Lulu!! says:

    Made these today and they are delicious !!

  • Mkay says:

    Would this work with Chocolate cake mix?..... let me know asap! Sitting on the edge ready to try it out!!! :) You guys are great!

  • Jaymie says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Megan Grichel says:

    Can club soda be substituted for sprite zero?

  • innataliesshoes says:

    Oh my goodess, this sounds amazing! I can't wait to try it!

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Megan!

    I have never tried it with club soda. It may have a little less flavor, but I am sure it would work. Let us know if you try it!

  • Karla says:

    This recipe is amazing. I was just thinking there should be a way to make cupcakes without the added fat from the oil and all. Thank you for posting :)

  • Kimberly Paddock-O'Reilly says:

    @Christina "Guilt Free" is a relative term. These are WW points cupcakes and vs. traditionally made they are lower in points. Eating things you like in moderation and altering the recipe to be lower in fat and calories is an important step to losing weight and maintaining it. There is no one cure all to it and I think everyone generally understands that. Whether they practice it or not is another story.

    For the others who like this recipe. You might also like the Pumpkin version - they are delicious! My kids and their classmates love them and the teenage girls think it is awesome that they are lower in calories and get a kick out of it.

    You still can't eat 20, but you shouldn't eat 20 of anything :-D

    Thanks for posting the white cupcake recipe Elyse.

  • katieb18 says:

    do you know about how many calories it is without the icing? just curious?

  • Marianne says:

    Hopefully people aren't eating this every day and your body is perfectly capable of handling this kind of recipe in small amounts - a "normal" cupcake is just as bad for you ? show me a truly healthy cupcake and I will applaud you. If you want to be perfectly healthy then you can't eat them at all I reckon.

  • Six Sisters says:

    Hi Katie!

    I am so sorry. I don't know how many calories are in the plain cupcakes. We have a new site we are launching this month that will calculate calories, WW points, etc. so keep an eye out!

  • Paige says:

    Um, I m confused.... I followed your instruction and I ended up 12 cups instead 24. How do you makes it 24 out of one box? Did you made two box to get 24 cups? Please clarify this one. Thanks!!

    By the way, they are addicted!!! :)

  • Megan S. says:

    I watch carbs (Type 1 diabetic) and would LOVE to know if you happen to know the number of carbs. Obviously it helps using Sprite Zero and such, but that is the info I need so I can devour these delicious looking treats!

  • Adam Cochrane says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Lindsey Anderson says:

    I just made these and they did come out pretty gummy even though i followed the recipe perfectly. It also did not make anywhere near 24 cupcakes lol only 16 even though i only used a 1/4 cup to measure them out. I assume this ups the calorie count but I'm not sure by how much. My boyfriend loved them, though, so that's a good thing! Anything to get the guy to eat a little healthier.

  • Amanda Harper says:

    I'm going to try this this morning for my son's 4th Birthday, he is allergic to eggs and although traditionally I use different egg subs., this one sounds good. I'm going to do a white cake mix with the sprite and add a couple different food color drops in each cupcake and swirl for a rainbow effect.

  • Amanda Harper says:

    Well the cup cakes didn't turn out well, I think I baked them too long. So I did another cake w/Sprite in a cake pan instead of cup cakes and put blue food coloring in it, I should have put more food coloring in because it turned out a little green on top but blue throughout the rest. It was an instant hit. So Very Moist! There wasn't hardly a bite left, thank you for this recipe :)

  • Amanda Harper says:

    Oh I forgot to add that I used a white cake mix and put sprinkles in the batter then used the blue food coloring. <3

  • Kelly Logue says:

    Loved them!!! Made them tonight turned out great but frosting had a weird consistency to it....was still awesome tho :)

  • Kristen says:

    I tried these tonight and they were okay but they turned out very dense and heavy. I'm not sure what I did wrong. :(

  • Casie says:

    Yummy! Thanks for the recipe idea. I've done the "Diet co*ke" cake before but never thought to put it in a cupcake form and the icing wowza! Those following the new WW pts plus plan these are 3 pts plus! Thanks again!

  • Phantomchic23 says:

    I just made it as a cake for the curiosity factor! it definitely has its pros and cons.. but overall not bad.. it seems to act a little like an angel food cake (being delicate, and a different texture while eating)... I'll make it again in summer to go with some fruit for sure! but personally.. i'll probably stick to the eggs and oil ;) It was nice to keep the white color without digging out egg yolks tho!

  • Shari says:

    Is there anything you would recommend substituting for the Sprite Zero? I can't have any artificial sweeteners.

  • Six Sisters says:

    We used the sprite zero in place of eggs and oil. I know applesauce can be used in place of egg also. Not sure on the measurement though. May have to google that. Best of luck! -The Six Sisters

  • hopeallie says:

    So I made these last night - the cake turned out great. But we made the icing right after the cupcakes and refrigerated it until the cupcakes were cool. Well by the time we took the icing out to ice the cupcakes, it was really clumpy and didn't look very appealing. Did you make your icing right before you iced the cupcakes? And did the consistency change on the cupcakes after you refrigerated them? Ours tasted good, the icing just looked gross.

  • Pam McFarland says:

    Thanks so much for the recipe. We made these yesterday. Here is the link to ours....

    My boys LOVED the cake, but the icing was not our favorite. But it was easy and fun to try!!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Pam @

  • Misti says:

    These are fabulous!!!!! Thank you!

  • Allison says:

    Get a life Christina and stay off this site if you are only a clean eater! If we want to indulge in some toxic artificial ingredients sometimes it's our prerogative.

  • Holly P says:

    It is ok to have light snacks in between meals. My dietician has me on a meal plan where I eat six times a day and my weight is fine. I think it helps to keep metabolism going, but could be wrong.

  • Six Sisters says:

    I am so sorry about that! I have only made my icing when it came time to frost so I have never refrigerated it before hand. Not sure if that may have changed the consistency of the icing.

  • abc says:

    If you are honestly here because you are making a conscious effort to get healthy, PLEASE do not believe that this recipe is the way to go...have mercy, read the ingredient lists on each of these "foods", then look up all of the words you can't pronounce. This does not equal healthy or even safe.

  • Nicole Mayer says:

    I just pulled a batch of these out of the oven and CAN'T wait for them to cool! I made mine with raspberry sparkling water (0 calories, sugar, caffiene, and sodium!) Just wondering how you determined the calorie count?

  • HEATHER says:

    Can i use cook and serve pudding powder or does it have to be instant?

  • Belinda Heldreth says:

    Just made these and just finished icing them. They are awesome! Thank you for the recipe! The only issue I had was that they stuck to the wrappers... so next time I plan on not using them, but instead spraying the pan. Thanks again! Totally am going to recommend!

  • Six Sisters says:

    110 calories per frosted cupcake, 2 Weight Watchers Points.

  • Six Sisters says:

    I have never tried it using cook and serve so I'm not sure. I am so sorry! Let us know if you end up trying it.

  • Marguerite Fondren says:

    Wonder how these would be with Red Velvet Cake Mix? Anyone tried this>?

  • Unknown says:

    I'm pretty sure that I've seen where you can do the red velvet with diet Dr. Pepper!

  • TampaJenn520 says:

    Made them and LOVED them! My frosting did not look as pretty as yours but it tasted wonderful! I just have to remind my hubby even though they are healthier, he cannot eat 5 :)

  • Katy {and Kahler} says:

    just made these for our college Bible study group. they were a great hit! :)

  • Andrea Slay says:

    Is the frosting suppose to have a gritty texture to it from the pudding mix? I just tasted it and it still seems gritty, even after Ive mixed it well. It tastes good though!

  • Elizabeth Workman says:

    I made these cupcakes for my sister's birthday, and they turned out amazing! I followed the recipe exactly, but the batter only made 14 cupcakes for me. I guess my cupcakes were just on the large side, but that's a good thing of course!

  • Andrea Slay says:

    After lettimg the frosting set for a bit the gritty texture dissolved :) Thanks for the recipe. Im trying to get my kids to eat better and even though this isnt extremely healthy anything helps. Better than candy. My husband even liked them. I actually made spice cake cupcakes with cheesecake pudding frosting. They were very good!

  • Six Sisters says:

    If you beat it long enough, it will be smooth! Good luck! -The Six Sisters

  • Tracy Gramer says:

    Does anyone know if this works with gluten free cake mixes? Thanks!

  • Cher says:

    I can't wait to try this, my son has an egg allergy and I usually have to use an egg substitute anyways, this sounds perfect!

  • Katie Misner says:

    I just made this, and left them in the oven for 20 min as directed, when i took them out to cool,i wanted to see how they good they would come out of the cupcake holders, they are do not come off the paper easily and the actual cake part seemed really dense and not like a normal cupcake, the taste was great but not sure how easy its going to be to get them out. and I had to add 1/3 cup of milk to help with the frosting, without the mild the frosting was really thick and the taste of the vanilla pudding really stuck out. But over all I think they will be delish! Thank you for the suggestion!

  • Dana says:

    genius!!! yummy

  • Meredith P says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Meredith P says:

    Christina, is someone going to force you to eat these? I thought not. As Delia said, if you have a recipe that you would like to present as an alternative, do so, but don't verbally abuse someone (especially on their own site) for presenting a low(er) calorie cupcake option for those people counting calories.

    Toxicity data always goes hand in hand with DOSE -- a discussion of one without the other is absolutely meaningless. Water is toxic to the system too, at the right dose. I'm not saying these cupcakes are healthy in the way that eating fruit or veggies as a snack would be. Sugary foods should always be a "sometime treat," but the ingredients list is far from the dire catastrophe you make it out to be.

    My qualifications on the subject, before anyone asks? A doctoral degree.

  • Liza Carlson says:

    I can't wait to try these! I'm currently out of vanilla pudding mix and was wondering if you could use chocolate pudding mix the same way. Anybody tried it? Seems like it should work but was curious if its been done before! Thanks so much for all of your's always a win for me!

  • Six Sisters says:

    I think that would work just fine!

  • Lacey E says:

    im trying this tomorrow! my usual recipe is with devils food cake mix duncan hines brand with a container of no sugar added apple sauce and egg substitue (2 wwp+) ...they come out just like normal cupcakes but this diet soda metgod would be quicker! a butterfinger crushed and mixed into a tub of free cool whip is the best "frosting" (1 wwp+)

  • hannah says:

    woah. angry much?

  • Jenna says:

    Would diet Sierra mist work also?

  • Cyd says:

    We have only used sprite zero. Let us know if sierra mist works! :)

  • Briahna says:

    I just made these and followed the recipe exactly and they came out doughy and I left them in the oven for 30-35 min and gave up. Any suggestions on what I can do so this doesn't happen again?

  • Erin says:

    Great recipe! Made it with yellow cake and chocolate instant pudding instead of vanilla (vanilla with chocolate frosting is my fav!). Still worked out great!

  • Carrie says:

    Can you make the frosting with sugar free instant pudding?

  • Tiffany says:

    Has anyone used a can of regular soda? I cannot have Aspartame, so Sprite Zero and Diet Sprite are out. But, these sound delicious :) I love Cool Whip, too!

  • Cyd says:

    We have never made it with Sugar Free instant pudding, just fat free. Sorry we don't have an answer for you on this!

  • Jenny says:

    I'm having a family gathering and including several types of cupcakes. I like to just set them all out for people to help themselves- can these be set at room temperature(indoors with A/C on) or will the frosting melt?

  • Jeffrey says:

    Just wanted to say that I love your site, your pic, and the avatars. Very cute. My partner and I love sweets but since we're not getting any younger, we've been looking for lighter fare sweets and we found you. The cupcakes were as good as they look on the photo. Thanks so much!Jeffrey & Jason

  • Cyd says:

    They should be fine for a few hours. Especially if the house is Air Conditioned. Hope this helps!

  • Ana says:

    You know what's guilt free? Water. Now go chug a gallon and let others enjoy the simple things in life.I dislike people that try to suck the happiness out of everything!

  • Anais says:

    I made these, followed the recipe but instead of vanilla pudding, I used sugar free, fat free chocolate pudding, and they were absolutely delicious. I am trying to watch what I eat, and counting calories is my biggest hurdle, so these work perfectly into my diet whenever I need a pick me up. Thank you! =)

  • sammy says:

    Would this work for a 9x13 baking dish instead of using a cupcake pan?

  • Cyd says:

    I think it should work. Not sure the cooking time so watch it closely.

  • Stephanie says:

    Hi, I'd would like to add that I have done something similar to this with white cake mix, sprite zero and added in about a cup of drained light fruit co*cktail (I used the no sugar added fruit co*cktail). Put it in a 8" square baking pan and bake for about 30-35 mins. Serve warm with a dollop of fat free cool whip.Tastes like a fruit cobbler.... delish!!!

  • Jo says:

    My favorite version I've made of these so far was using milk chocolate cake mix with Vanilla co*ke Zero, then chocolate pudding in the frosting. I like that it's easy to just make a few of these without making a whole batch. To make three perfect cupcakes, I use 1/2 cup of cake mix and 1/4 cup of soda for the batter, then 1/4 cup of cool whip and 1 tsp of pudding mix for the frosting. I've also found that 23 minutes at 350 is the perfect bake time.

  • Jessi says:

    AMEN CHRISTINA. I don't see why people think your post was "rude" or "mean", I did not find it either. If you're trying to get healthy as most of you have said to her comment, then why would you want to poison yourselves even more with processed food with horrid ingrediants created in a lab? Not only that, but to promote diet sodas is not healthy at all, it contains high levels of ASPARTAME which has not only been proven over and over through scientific research to cause cancer amongst many other health issues, but was denied by the FDA 19 TIMES before money began to speak louder than health, as usual with the US FDA, sadly. We need to take responsibility back and stop allowing these companies to poison us for the sake of a frickin' cupcake. You can make HEALTHY desserts that taste much better than processed food. All this site is doing is combining cheap, processed products, most made in China to boot with little to no regulation. Just because someone says something you don't want to hear, doesn't mean that person is "rude" or "mean". Do your own research and make an INFORMED decision. Read scientific journals and non-biased literature. Just because you lose weight doesn't mean your body is healthy. Reduced calorie diets started out as a fad for a reason.

  • Kim says:

    She has an opinion and she is entitled to state it. I don't understand why everyone is getting mad because her opinion is not their opinion. It's not healthy, it's trading out calories with different artificial calories. Try not to tell someone how to have an opinion.

  • Jennie says:

    I was a little hesitant to make these because of the negative comments I saw from the people who actually tried making these. Well I decided I wasn't going to pass up on something that seemed so great and I am so glad. I followed the directions and these came out perfect! They were very moist and did not taste like a "skinny" version at all! I brought them to a party and someone told me they were the best cupcakes I had ever made! I would recommend these and look forward to making them again!

  • Krystal says:

    I just made these and left them in for 15 minutes extra. They are a little sticky but I think they taste great!

  • Dawn says:

    No one said they were healthy. They just said they are "skinny", meaning they aren't made with the usual full fat eggs and oils like regular cupcakes. If you don't like it, don't make them. No wonder this world is going down the tubes. People can't just keep their rude comments to themselves.

  • Beth says:

    This looks like a great recipe! I cannot wait to try it. As for some of the comments above...opinions can be given without using a condescending "tone". The term "skinny" is used to describe lower calorie items. As for the unhealthy contents of cool whip and cake batter, people who really carecan nust not eat it. Most of use use google and watch the news. Its easy to research things and become more educated. We are adults and have a choice in how we eat. Often I get frustrated at the amount of people verbally assaulting others based on chemical food products. Perhaps you should check your beauty products and clothing. Do you grow your own veggies? Do you have your own livestock? Do you make your own clothes? Most importantly check your tylenol in the medicine cabinet. Then take your hypocritical attitude to another site.

  • Cyd says:


  • alese says:

    I love the cupcakes! I just have one question. I used my fitness life app to add up the calories and it says if the recipe makes 24 cupcakes, each one would only be 34 calories. Cake mix (mix only) = 160 + sprite zero = 0 + fat free vanilla instant pudding (mix only) = 150 + light whipped topping = 500. Add that up and divide it by 24 it makes 34 calories each. What am i doing wrong?

  • Cyd says:

    Hi Alese, Thanks for bringing that to our attention. If you click on the MAGIC button under the picture and then click on NUTRITION our program lists it as only having 11 calories.

  • Jennifer says:

    sorry this recipe is a complete fail. I would rather eat a yogurt than the wasted 110 calories on one of these cupcakes. The frosting turned out a mess and was hard to even get off the beaters, the cupcakes themselves were sticky enough to stick to your teeth.

  • Colby says:

    Hi! How many calories would the cupcakes be without the frosting?

  • Lisa says:

    Just made these, I thought they were awful! I was so disappointed as it was a waste of time and money for ingredients . Like another comment I saw posted they took much longer to bake, about 35 mins, and they had a gross texture kind of sticky and the frosting was gross! Deleting this pin and hope others can read this and not ware time like I just did!!Worth the calories and points for the real thing

  • Jessie says:

    I used to round pans for this (as well as Diet Sierra Mist, since the store I was at didn't have the Sprite), and mine came out tasty but definitely a bit doughy. Also, the cakes didn't rise very much, and I'm wondering if maybe that's because I let the cake batter sit and then mixed it again before pouring it into the pans? It tastes good, but I wouldn't serve it at anyone's birthday or anything without perfecting it first.

  • Kathy says:

    If one can't say something nice, don't say anything at all !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Katnan says:

    What does the 110 calories stand for - 24 regular size or mini size cupcakes?

  • Cyd says:

    This is for a regular sized cupcake.

  • Laura says:

    I followed the recipe but it only made 15 cupcakes. Does each one still have 110 calories or is it more?

  • Cyd says:

    It's 110 calories when you get 24 cupcakes. So it would be more calories.

  • Barb says:

    I agree, Lisa! I just made these and they were awful. My boyfriend had one bite and threw the rest of the cupcake away! Ew!

  • Jenna says:

    For those who asked, it's one Smart Point per cupcake.

  • Amy says:

    Uh, so don’t make it and mind your own business. Nobody asked for your opinion.

  • Tasha says:

    These were easy to make. I only got 12 cupcakes out of the mix and that was the perfect sized cupcake for us.I only had to bake them for 20 minutes. They stick a little to the paper but that happens sometimes. I did use the fat free/sugar free pudding only because I added marshmallows and a piece of chocolate to mine (I made little lambs for our Easter treats at work) Thanks for the recipe it was great!!!

  • Rod says:

    I know what you mean. When i put it in the recipe builder it came up with 8 points per cupcake. A little high for guilt free.

  • Kris says:

    I used 10 ozs of soda. I make these with chocolate cake mix and diet cherry Pepsi. I first time there were to doughy so I cut back on the soda. Perfect now!

  • Kimberly says:

    Cupcakes chocolatecake must free

  • Rose says:

    Thank you for this recipe!! My child has a condition where she can not have butter, no oil and no more then 3grams of total fat per MEAL. This is a nice option to have for her birthday!!

  • Lori Scott says:

    I took your advice and used 10 oz of Sprite with the cake mix and the cupcakes came out perfect. Light and fluffy!

  • Kaitlin W says:

    Wow you shouldn’t be visiting a site like this if you’re just going to be a negative Nancy. No need to be rude

  • Skinny Funfetti Cupcakes Recipe (2024)


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