What's new for school this year in York, Adams counties? (2024)

This article has been updated to reflect the correct start dates for Gettysburg Area, Littlestown Area and Northern York County school districts.

It's back to school for children throughout York and Adams counties.

While a few schools already have opened, many start in the next week or two.

Here's what you need to know.

Bermudian Springs

Start/end dates: Aug. 22/ May 26

Website: www.bermudian.org

Twitter: @BSSDSupt

Facebook: facebook.com/BermudianSpringsMiddleSchool

Need to know: 7:30 p.m. Sept. 15, grades 6-8 back-to-school night. All schools will be holding open school activities prior to the start of the school year. These are opportunities for families to visit and tour the facilities. Dates and times can be found on the district website.

Central York

Start/end dates: Aug. 24 /June 1

Website: www.cysd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @CentralYorkSD

Facebook: facebook.com/CentralYorkSD

New this year: The district has converted space at Central York High School to create an apartment-like setting where autistic students can practice independent-living skills. There will be a small bedroom setting where learners can practice making the bed, folding and sorting clothing to put into a dresser and hang on a closet bar, small kitchenette with a sink for dishwashing and small refrigerator, toaster oven, and microwave available for making snacks and simple meals. There is a table for setting and dining, and a small living room/leisure area with love seat and coffee table.

What's new for school this year in York, Adams counties? (1)

Learners will spend portions of their day practicing various independent living skills in the various parts of the apartment. They will also be able to vacuum, dust and clean the area. The majority of their day will continue to be in the classroom setting with visits to the apartment for independent practice and activities of daily living.

The district will implement Skyward's Family Access Center before the start of the 2016-2017 School Year. The secure portal connects educators, parents/guardians and students by making real-time student and school information accessible from anywhere. It will provide families with greater access to information about their child’s education in one convenient location. This new tool will help families monitor and participate in their child's education while staying in touch with teachers. Learn more:www.skyward.com/parents.

Need to know: Parents, guardians and community members should visit the district website and subscribe to the e-newsletter to receive weekly updates and information about important district issues and upcoming events.

Christian School of York

Start/end dates: Aug. 22/ May 30

Website: www.csyonline.com

Twitter: @csyonline


New this year: A partnership with Training Leaders Through Athletics, offering leadership training through a biblical world view. The program includes speed and agility training for all athletes grades 6-12. Ground breaking on the new CSY Leadership and Fitness Center is scheduled for 1 p.m. Aug. 30, pending approval of permits by the township.

Conewago Valley

Start/end dates: Aug. 22/May 26

Website: www.conewago.k12.pa.us

New this year: Athletic DirectorBrandon Renoll. New Student Information System – Skyward (replaces MMS). New Communication System – Skylert (replaces One Call Now). District will continue to roll out new brand, shield, slogan, and colors.

Need to know: Families will continue to receive a copy of the district calendar at the beginning of the school year. A flip-style calendar will be available on the website.

Dallastown Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 24 (9th grade LINK program), Aug. 25 (all other grades)/June 2

Website: www.dallastown.net

Twitter: @DallastownSD


New this year: One World Initiative for students using Lenovo 122 laptops has expanded to grades 9-12; curriculum revisions and enhancements related to that initiative; WiFi and other improvements are in place to handle increased usage; a new transportation provider — Reliance Student Transportation, LLC will begin operations.

Need to know: If you are new to the district and haven't registered your child, log onto thewebsite for important information about registration procedures and meeting the Aug. 22 deadline. Bus schedules will take 2 to 3 days to settle into place. Kindergarteners will have mini-sessions held on the first day of school.

Delone Catholic

Start/end dates: Aug. 22 /May 26

Website: www.DeloneCatholic.org

Twitter: @Delone_Catholic

Facebook: facebook.com/DeloneCatholic

New this year:Several renovations have been made to the school over the summer including a completely revamped library and multi-media room, the old gym, band room, lobby restrooms and classrooms.

Dover Area

Start /end dates: Aug. 22/May 25

Website: www.doversd.org

Twitter: @doversd.org; @supt_cherry

Facebook: facebook.com/Dover-Area-School-District-609657995718086

New this year:One-to-one expansion for grades 4-12; new student information system with Skyward: parents should access through parent portal; activity buses for all intermediate school and high school students needing transportation will run at 5p.m. to community stops; the high school is transforming the current library into a collaboration space scheduled to open on Nov. 1.

Need to know: 7 p.m. Aug. 24, intermediate school back-to-school night; 6to 8p.m. Aug. 31, back to school night for all elementary schools.

Eastern York

Start/end dates: Aug. 23/ June 5(tentative)

Website: www.easternyork.com

Twitter: @EasternYorkHigh, @eyms_york, @WrightsvilleElm

New this year: All students starting in grades 3-12 will have Chromebooks. There will be Academic Transition classes for Elementary Level.

Need to know:6:30 p.m. Aug. 29, Eastern York Middle School back-to-school night; 6:30 p.m. Aug. 31, Eastern York High School back-to-school night.

Fairfield Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 22/May 26

Website: www.fairfieldpaschools.org

Gettysburg Area

Start/end dates:Aug. 23/May 31

Website: www.gettysburg.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @GASDSuperOne


New this year: The school hired 23 new staff members this year. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be using a hybrid-learning model with station rotations.

Hanover Public

Start/end dates: Aug. 22 /May 26

Website: www.hanoverpublic.org

Twitter: @HanoverPublic

Facebook: facebook.com/hanoverpublic

New this year: The district will be offering a new STEAM academy at Hanover High School, as well as updated integrative learning centers at the elementary level.

Need to know: Check the district website for information regarding back to school nights for students and parents.

Littlestown Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 24/ June 2

Website: www.lasd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @Ltownschools


New this year: Alloway Creek Intermediate School that holds Grades 4 & 5 will be temporarily closed for the 2016-2017 school year for renovations and additions. Grade 4 students will attend Rolling Acres Elementary School, and Grade 5 will attend Maple Avenue Middle School.

Need to know: Visit our website for updated open house, orientation, and back-to-school-night information.


Start/end dates: Aug. 29/ June 2

Website: www.northernpolarbears.com

Twitter: @NorthernYorkSD

Need to know:Aug. 23 district kindergarten orientation (all elementary schools), 5p.m. kindergarten cub connect; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 23, elementary open house (all elementary schools); 7:45 a.m. to 12p.m. Aug. 23, transition program NHS; 10to 11a.m. Aug. 23, DES kindergarten play date.


Start/end dates: Aug. 22/May 26

Website: www.nesd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @NESD


New this year: One-to-one learning has expanded to include all high school students, and as a result all students grades 7-12 will have their own Chromebook.

Need to know: Updated important dates and times will be listed on the website.

Red Lion Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 23 (grades 1-12 and p.m. kindergarten; Aug. 24 (full-day and a.m. kindergarten)/June 1 (full day and p.m. kindergarten),June 2 (a.m. kindergarten and grades 1-11)

Website: www.rlasd.net

Twitter: @rlschools

Facebook:facebook.com/Red Lion Area School District

New this year:The district has revised its website;increased technology in every school for students and staff,refreshed and updated elementary math programwith Every Day Math 4 series in grades K-6;Lucy Calkins writing strategies will be implemented K-8;the district will provide its own special education programming for K-8 life skills and K-8 intensive learning support (formerly LIU neurological support programming); two new administrators, assistant principals — Amy Landis at JHS and Bill Rickard at SHS and approximately 24 other new staff members; new air conditioning is being installed at North-Hopewell Winterstown Elementary School.

Need to know:Class placement lists will no longer be posted on building doors, information will be available on the website; transportation information will be emailed to the primary email accounts and available during the meet-the-teacher nights; parents do not have to supply any instructional supplies or materials; all dates and events are available on the district website; and the districtis committed to improving customer service initiatives. Students, families, and community guests are asked to share positive experiences and interactions, as well as suggestions for improvement, via a very brief survey that is available on thewebsite or in any of thebuildings.

South Eastern

Start/end dates: Aug. 25/June 8 (tentative)

Website: www.sesdweb.net

Twitter: @drronakaufmann

Facebook: facebook.com/SouthEasternSchoolDistrict

New this year: One-to-one computer-to-student ratio in grades 3-12; use of free open educational resources for teaching, learning, and assessing; redesign of school libraries to multimedia centers including maker spaces; expanded emphasis on inquiry, project-based learning, and student communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity;computer science class at the middle school; Hybrid Learning to expand from the intermediate to the middle school;Instructional Technology coach at Delta-Peach Bottom; free breakfast daily to all pre-K, kindergarten and first-grade students; opening of Bighorn Bistro at Kennard-Dale High School; and press box at the stadium.

Need to know: 
The district will host a screening of the film “Most Likely to Succeed” at 7p.m. Sept. 14 in the Kennard-Dale High School auditorium

South Western

Start/end dates: Aug. 30 (grades K-9); Aug. 31 (all grades)/June 8

Website: www.swsd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @SouthWesternSD

Facebook: facebook.com/SouthWesternSD

New this year: Laptops will be distributed to 5th and 6th graders.

Need to know: 6:30 p.m. Aug. 23, mandatory meeting for parents of kindergarten students; 6p.m. Aug. 24, mandatory meeting for 6th-grade parents.

Southern York County

Start/end dates: Aug. 24 (grades K-9); Aug. 25 (grades 10-12); June 2

Website: www.sycsd.org

Twitter: @SYCSD

Facebook: There is no determination as to when this will be activated – administration is currently discussing.

New this year: The district will be implementing a new student information system, learning management system, and Chromebooks for all students in Southern Middle school.

Need to know: Susquehannock High School Back-to-School Night at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 23; Shrewsbury Elementary School Back-to-School Night at6:15 p.m. Aug. 30; Southern Elementary School Back-to-School Night at 7 p.m. Aug.31;Friendship Elementary School Back-to-School Night at 7 p.m. Sept. 1; Southern Middle School Back-to-School Night at 6:30 p.m., Sept.7.

Spring Grove Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 23 (9th grade/link crew orientation day); Aug. 24 (all other students) /June 1

Website: www.sgasd.org

Twitter: @SGSchoolNews

Facebook: facebook.com/Spring-Grove-Area-School-District-102094336532436

New this year: Supt.David Renaut; Assistant Supt. Mary Beth Grove; Paradise Elementary Principal Michael Holtzapple; Assistant Elementary Principal Kathleen Eshbach; Human Resources Director AnJie Doll, and approximately 14 new teachers and aides expected by start of school.

Need to know: New schedule and courses, including expanded AP offerings at the high school.

Upper Adams

Start/end dates: Aug. 24/ May 31 (tentative)

Website: www.upperadams.org

Twitter: @UpperAdams


New this year: K-6th grade students will begin to use the McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Language Arts resources.

Need to know: For the latest information including sports schedules, special activities, early dismissals and school delays, check out thewebsite.

West Shore

Start/end dates: Aug.24/June 2

Website: www.wssd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @WestShoreSD


New this year: Expanded Kindergarten Acceleration Program to serve approximately 70 additional students; implementation of a new reading series for students in grades 3-6; restructured math course progression for students in grades 4-8; new series of digital and interactive resources for science students in grades 6-8; embarking on a feasibility study to determine current and future district needs.

Need to know: Each school will host a back-to-school night and new family orientation. Specifics about these events, and important information regarding class assignments and bus schedules, can be found on the district website, Twitter, and Facebook pages.

West York Area

Start/end dates: Aug. 22/June 7

Website: www.wyasd.k12.pa.us

Twitter: @wyasdblue

New this year: Construction at the West York Area High School will be completed soon, for updates check the website and Twitter; renovation projects at both Lincolnway and Trimmer elementary schools are also nearing completion; district will be unveiling a new look and more user-friendly format to its website in early September; parents and guardians should also be aware of new lunch and breakfast prices at the elementary and secondary levels. Elementary prices will be $1.05 for breakfast, $2.25 for lunch, secondary breakfast will be $1.25, and lunch will be $2.50.

Need to know: 6:30 p.m. Sept. 6, Wallace Elementary first grade back-to-school night; 6:30 p.m. Aug. 29, Lincolnway Elementary back-to-school night; 6:30 p.m. Sept. 8, Trimmer Elementary back-to-school night; 6:30 p.m. Sept. 1, West York Area Middle School back-to-school night; 6:30 p.m. Aug. 31, West York Area High School back-to- school night.

York City

Start/end dates: Aug. 22 (grades1-12), Aug. 23 (kindergarten)/ June 6

Website: www.ycs.k12.pa.us


Need to know: For more information, check out the website. A redesigned website is expected to launch soon.

York Catholic

Start/end dates: Aug.24 (grade 7),Aug. 25 (grades 8-12) ,Aug. 26 (all grades)/ June 7

Website: www.yorkcatholic.org

Twitter: @YorkCatholicHS; @YorkCathAthlet (athletics)


New this year: The school has a new dean of students and athletic director, Kevin Bankos; the school has received additional student laptops, increased Wi-Fi ability, improved safety and security features with new exterior doors;and four more classrooms will be renovated this fall.

Need to know: Approximately 30 percentof the student body is receiving tuition assistance and scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year thanks to strong support of alumni, parents, friends, and corporate partners. Over $7 million scholarship dollars were offered to the2016 graduating class, with almost 20,000hours of community service provided to York County.

York County School of Technology

Start/end dates:Aug.23: new students report; Aug.24: all students report/June 2 for grades 9,10,11;June 6 graduation


Twitter: @YTSpartanNation

Facebook: facebook.com/York-Tech-Home-of-the-Spartan-Nation-146622748744410

York Country Day School

Start/end dates: Sept. 6/ June 7

Website: www.ycds.org

Twitter: @YorkCountryDay


New this year: State-of-the-art program launch focusing on STEAM–Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics; new courses in this area include digital arts, sound design, VidCast Studio, ceramics, Stagecraft and robotics; new service learning opportunities and expanded physical education and health classes.

Need to know: The ribbon cutting for the STEAM Center, including the Ann Barshinger Center for the Arts and the Brougher Center for Innovation and Technology, is from 2to 4p.m. Aug. 27, and all are welcome to join at the new entrance located at 1000 Indian Rock Dam Road.

York Suburban

Started: Aug. 17 (K-6,9 and new students),Aug. 18 (all students); End date: May 26

Website: www.yssd.org

Twitter: @YorkSuburban

Facebook: facebook.com/pages/York-Suburban-School-District/148468495165634

New this year: Principal at East York Elementary: Denise Fuhrman; assistant principals at HS: Christopher Adams, Scott Shirey; Athletic Director Matt Marshall; middle school schedule; high school schedule with FLEX period for intervention; middle school cafeteria renovation; new secure entrances at East York, Indian Rock and middle school;Trojan Field resurfaced.

What's new for school this year in York, Adams counties? (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.